Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The 1st of 19th

Good news everybody!

No, ADP isnt selling it shares, No, ADP still dont have a single asset and NO, POK STILL DONT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!

The good news is, our self-proclaim ceo has finally turned 19!

So what priviledges does director have after turning 19? Hm... nothing i guess, i suppose you get this post as a dedication for your "hardwork and charming personalities". Beside it not like we can give extra bonuses or something, it not like we have anything to give, except of course ourself.. but i dont really think you want it.

Maybe a company dinner trip on us or maybe you dream trip to Lunar Bar, if you are lucky, we might be able to find some girl who willing to sacrifice herself for you. Hey Emmie, free to come out with us?

Well, I cant really talk much now, after all my head cramp with Monetary Policy Commitee and Fiscal Policy and etc etc.

So, I pass the duty of continuing this post to Director Adam!

*pass the keyboard to him*

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