Thursday, September 30, 2004

Its my turn again

Ok its my(adam) turn to post again although i really dont feel like posting. so because of that im going to make it short and post in point form..heheh

Point 1) Went for Frisbee today
after a lapse of 2 weeks we finally made it back to the field to hve our usual game of frisbee. last 2 weeks we couldnt make it coz 1)pok was supposed to go mata fair and 2)pok said traffic was too heavy so didnt want to drive. well today conditions were really just nice to play in fact it didnt even rain for the whole day which is quite a lucky thing since it seems to be raining everyday these few days. wasnt so lucky on the way home though. pok decided not to take the mid valley turning off to my house and instead took the long way which meant going past 2 sets of traffic lights not to mention having to cover a longer distance. well the road turned out to be jammed up so yea pok started his usual round of complaining again although i really cant blame him since even his mum called and asked why he was so late..hehe. Sry pok but maybe ill build a helipad next to my house so u wont hve to drive anymore ok? ^_^

point 2) Started Initial D card with Dom
i know dom has already mentioned this but i think i shud make things clearer. quite a lotta ppl from my class hve been playing initial d in the arcade recently so me and dom decided to start and share a card together. ended up paying 6 bucks for a card in mid valley compared to other places like summit and sungai wang which only costs 4. and one game in mv costs 2 bucks while a game elsewhere is only 1. it may seem to be a small difference but in the long run it really determines how big a hole we burn into our pockets. Oh yes, and the name for the card? DNA of course. it only stands for Dominic N Adam, but i thought up something more sophiscated like saying dna means studying in depth about the build of the car and fine tuning it to the best performance and blahblahblah. it really sounds quite logical when u think about it but in reality it only stands for our initials..hahah.

Point 3) Small Intro about the 3 of Us
this idea was actually mine, although dom was the one who got the ball rolling. i suggested we each take turns writing a small description about each other. in this way YOU(meaning the person reading this) will hve a general idea about us, not to mention its a great opportunity for the 3 of us to find out what we each think of each other..hahah. So ill get started with dom, and this is in no particular order, so dont accuse me of favoritism.
3.1) Dom
Dom the Donkey. thats right hes a donkey. not physically of course, more on the psychological side. although if he grew another 2 legs and started eating grass it might be cool..lolz. Anywayz i shud say that dom is the smartest among the 3 of us on paper(just look at his mensa score!!) but once in awhile hes just so blur that me and pok just wonder whether he came from his mums stomach or from mars.... one thing that dom is good at though - anime and most electronic stuff, like computers and cars etcetc. ah yes, another thing about dom, he has a problem talking. not that he goes gagagoogoo like a baby, just that u hve to listen a bit more carefully when he talks just so u properly get what hes trying to say..hehe. well How did i meet dom?? it actually started with our mothers in standard 2. imagine our mothers met before we did..lolxx. he was the kid back from england and so was i so i guess there was some similarity there. i actually didnt really know him that well until standard 6 when i was his classmate and form 1 when he transferred into CHS after 6 months in Desa Perdana. oh well 5 years goes a long way doesnt it...?

3.2)Pok Xian
Pok the Pig. yeayea i know i hve a donkey and a pig for best friends. not exactly the best combination, but hey maybe next time we can make our own shrek movies or somethin..lolz. Out of the 3 of us, pok has to be the most sensible one i suppose. hes the one who always worries about studies the most, and is one guy who will always do the RIGHT thing, unlike dom, who will do insane things such as jumping over monsoon drains and highway barriers(we're NEVER going to forget that!!!!). Pok is also the most anti-social one. put him in a room full of strangers and itll probably be like taking a fish out of water..lolz. I know dom can survive with strangers, and i could prob mix around after awhile, but pok......well lets just say it would take time..haha. and How do i know pok? well it all started from that rickety old V bus which used to ferry us to and fro from school. Both of us were on the same bus so yea we basically saw each other everyday although like dom i wasnt that close to him until secondary school. but still i must say i knew him better than dom in primary school..not a lot..just a bit better. =D

3.3) Adam
right its time to write about myself. dont wry im not gonna blow my own trumpet and turn this into bragging space, ill be as truthful as i possibly can..lolxx. i suppose dom was right in his last post. i know i always look like as if exams dont affect me as much as pok, but really inside me i feel pressure just like anyone else, although i dont bother to show much off it on the outside and prefer to just keep it inside me. becoz to me, whats the point of moaning and groaning about exams to others? it just makes everyone else feel even more pressured and worried. to me if someone really worries about his exams so much, he/she shud just go get some help for him/herself and start making a change. Anywayzz among the 3 of us i suppose im the best speaker(buahaha im starting to brag!! =P) if it comes to delivering a speech or an impromptu thing, i suppose i would be the one who would do the best. sometimes i might seem like an extrovert, always being able to make friends and get along with everyone, but then again im also an introvert who sometimes just wants to be left alone with maybe 1 or 2 frens for occasional company(thats what the 2 of u are for! hahah)

Ah well this is just my own assessment of myself and the other 2, might i just add the 2 of u are welcome to give differing opinions about what ive said, and maybe at the end of it all we'll do a conclusion or somethin..lolx.

P.S - i know i said this was gonna be a short post, but hey i guess i just got a bit carried away. =P

Saturday, September 25, 2004

blogless or balless?

Well since nobody been posting anything new lately, i guess i have to jump start the cue so that adam will start posting more often!!! Lately there hasnt been anything interesting happenning around the 3 of us so i cant really blame adam and pok for not wanting to post. If we would to post everything that happen including the minor details, i suppose you (the readers) are going to read till you drop dead...Yup it is that boring. Well i was planning to put a poll here,asking who do you think is the best or cutest guy amoung the 3 of us and stuff like those. But i never had the time to do so or should i best say it i never took the time to do it. Well as you can see, the templete has been change thanks to pok . But adam hasnt been doing much to this blog cept for the tagboard and only a few post.....

Btw adam and i create a new name to call the both of us ,if the pig isnt arond. the "gang" is called DNA, it's suppose to stand for dominic "n" adam...not some sort of double helix..Now that i think about does sound kind of lame.

Beside this, i think i going to post a bit of out character. Let start with adam, he the happy go luckly guy. The trials exam doesnt seem to be affecting him like the way it does to pok. He cant get a really bad paper and still laugh at it unlike pok who like show a...a...a.......well you will understand it when you see it. I hope i am centre of both of them. Perhaps adam is good at covering it up and try his best to let people say the best of him. There anothing about pok that me and adam hate! Most of the time after doing his essay paper, he wont tell us which question he choose!! Beside that, we still havent figure it out who he likes....YET!!

Well there only thing that makes pok better than rest of us is he can drive! the only person wif d licence to kill ppl in his car.....

I think this collective blog is a failure,beside ee wen and the 3 of us. i think no1 else visit this blog....

Monday, September 20, 2004

site still boring dudes....

ok like u can see this site is still rather boring. (c'mon guys wanted to do something more intresting here man!!! dom !wheres those poll?? hahaha)
anyway because the previous layout was just such a sore eye and all, me and dom went blogskin shopping and have been carefully selecting potential err "candidates" and there u have it, this blog skin. do hope we can put more stuff into this place soon (coz i've worked really late to change this blogskin!! damn it ! if only i spent as much concentration like this in my studies :>)
well like u can see from the tagboard, not many ppl have been visiting this site, hope anyone out there tht do can leave some msg's in the tagboard.
ok this is gonna be a short post because trials just ended my i'm mourning over my results, so yea. And adam, c'mon u gotta put it up in your links soon lar otherwise it would make this collective blog rather meaningless lol.
ok tht's for it then.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Near-Death Experiences

right it seems its my turn to post again. frankly i think we need a few more ppl in this col. blog so itll take longer for the rotation to come back to me. just rotating between 3 ppl is just too fast..hahaha. anywayzz nothin much has been happening lately, what with trials just finishing and all. And oH Yes, have i mentioned im going for NS? yes i suppose its befitting to put this in here, even though ive already mentioned it in my own blog. So out of the 3 of us, IM the lucky one going for NS!! wahahah i can see their faces going green with envy!!! hahahahah. Come On u guys i know u wanna go for the experience too..ehehehe.

Anywayzz theres always been this saying that just as u thought u knew someone well, they suddenly do something totally unexpected(usually this is used with parents =P). Well this certainly held through with our good friend pok the other day. I TELL YOU nvr before have dom and me been so scared out of our wits lolz. Usually among the 3 of us its always pok whos the quieter and sensible one, with dom doing all the stupid stunts(such as jumping over highway barricades and monsoon drains..) which me and pok would usually pass. But this time, it was the COMPLETE opposite. we had just finished our regular game of frisbee, and were heading to the coffee shop nearby for me to tapau some dinner back home. anyway pok was the one driving, since none of us can drive yet, and we had just come to this crossroad where we wanted to turn right. Well usually the driver is supposed to first stop and look to see whether there are any cars coming from the other 3 directions before proceeding right? Well we still have no idea WHAT came over pok, but instead of SLOWING DOWN he SPED UP and took the right turn straight away with another 2 cars coming from different directions. As u can probably imagine the other 2 cars werent very happy and they displayed it by using that annoying device called the horn to full effect. But really i dont blame them, since me and dom were also shivering after that stunt he pulled. worst of all was pok didnt even feel he did anything wrong!! kept going on about how it was his right of way and everything... and thats not even the worst of it. to make matters WORSE, even before he had finished arguing his point, he did the SAME THING again, this time turning into the coffee shop even though there was clearly a car coming in the opposite direction. Waaaa after that when he stopped at the coffee shop i jumped out of the car quick just to touch sweet ground again..lolxx

Well i suppose no new post is complete without some update about the blog. as u can probably clearly see from the posts of the other 2 fellas, they seem to imply that im not doing anything to help in this blog. well its not exactly my fault, those 2 are the FFF(final fantasy fans) who just love editing and collecting anything to do with the FF franchise.. as for me, im just the guy who makes his presence felt via his posts..hahah. But i must say that im the one who put the tagboard in, but do i get a word of thanks for it? Nope. instead i get told off by dom for messing with the code!! Right. From now on im not touching that stupid code nemore.. =P

Monday, September 06, 2004

New Blog Layout.

so fellow bloggers (if there actually are any tht are visiting this site that is.......) what do u think of the new layout?!?!?!(ok i realise u guys won't be able to reply this answer because we dun even have a tagboard yet) But well i think this site is coming up ......finally.
As u all know this is a collective blog tht basicly dom started, i made little contributions to it.....little maybe but i did make contributions, unlike our other parther here (ahem ..... not good to mention names here buahahaha)
so far we changed the whole template(thanx to whoever dom stole the template from) dom made the more significant changes and i contributed the picture(what do u think of the picture?)
the picture represents nothing at all, it's just a good looking girl that we can only dream of.
Yes, yes it may represent that we cant' get any chunted girls in reality and therefore we make templates with good looking virtual girls in it. (just jk larz)
anyway, because there's still trials on, we are considered rather bold to update this blog. Because of trials, updates will probably be slighty limited and this will probably be the whole blog for now.
And about tht rain incident, i would like to post more about as there is other details in it hahaha but maybe some other time perhaps.
till next time!!!

by piggi (whoa been a long time since i last used tht nick ~)

Rain rain go away

Since the last post of our beloved Adam there hasnt been any post lately due to the fact that Adam refuse to post something untill me or Pok does.In case you dont notice it, but me and Pok had spend some time redesigning the templete (and not posting while Adam is just sitting his butt off! muahahahah). Got to say it looks way cooler now. But there plenty of room for improvement.

The general idea of this blog was to post topic relating to the 3 "great" being of this modern time.Well here is the first post about the things we do together when other arent around (the following activities might be illigal so please dont report to the authority).

Last friday (we always go for the same malay tuition in KL the place is called chan she shu yuen,a really good place for malay tuition! ) like always we had our usual malay tuition in kl (why am i repeating myself?). But that day was special. Instead of a normaly learning class, we had a competition between of all the teacher other class. We were planning to use the best people of CHS to take part in the competition and at the same time represent our school too while we at it. But the bad part was it was during the start of our form 5 trials so our best 3 couldnt make it and had to replace them with the "not soo good at malay" people. This is where we come in. Adam , Pok and me was planning to be the subsitue for the team but ended being the main players. As the competition progresses, we were losing like mad. We were planning to lose but not as last place so we dont have to come for another round of this silly competition.Well since Adam is planning a blog regarding what happen to the whole time of that competition, i'll let him be the guess to tell the story.

As you can read for the title, the main event that happen that day was all thanks to a little help of mother nature RAIN!! Hehe this is where the fun begin! After tuition it started to rain. First i was just a few drop of rain , as time go on it got heavier and heaveir! Luckly Pok park his car somewhere near the entrance of the tuition centre. We were debating whether to get ourselves wet and make a run for his car. That debate took us a total of 20 minutes! It went like, hey maybe we should wait a bit for the rain to get a bit smaller then suddenly BOOM it started to rain cats and dog while the inside was a domkey and a pig(any animal for adam?). Ok the debate ended saying we will use the teacher's umbrella and try to make it in to the car withou getting wet. After we manage to "deliver" Pok safely to his car, i decided to get a little wet and make a dash for his car. When i "arrive" in his car , Pok told me that the rain was too heavy for him to drive (according to him, his cant see his front and side but to me it seem he was using some cheap wipers!). So we decided to pass this msg to our man who is stand behind the battle field telling him to hold his position and carrier one cant move! The first msg was send by the pig going OI oi oi OI oi oiOi (translation : the rain is too heavy! Cant drive stay there!) But the rain manage to intercept it before it reach Adam. So another msg was send, this time it was : THE RAINNING TOO F*CKING HEAVY CANT DRIVE! Too bad adam receive the order to come out to the car quick (dont know who told him that).

i MUST say it was quite a comedy watching us trying to get into Pok's car.Hopefully adam does a better job at explaining.