Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Agent 2274 is Back!

Breaking news!! Director A has returned from an extended hiatus, and is now blazing this blog once again with his presence!! now u readers out there (though i think theres really few of u..) wont just be stuck with the constant boring history lessons given by Director P, nor will u have to keep putting up with old and badly-editted images made by Director D !!! Nope, Director A plans to bring ADP into a new era, always looking forward to the new future!!!

For starters, i have to announce that the logistics of our company has changed!! The house of Director A is no longer the middle ground for ADP. With the recent shift of Director P over to the outskirts of Puchong, The house of Director D has now become the meeting point and middle ground for ADP until further notice. However the new place of Director P is substantially further away from the other 2 directors, as they found out earlier today. It is definitely no longer as close to Director A, and that, although it is not needed to be so close anymore, is something that will be missed.

Director D also posted about the loss sale of the mobile red box, and i must say i too am saddened by the loss. That shall always be remembered as the car that took us round all our adventures and tuition classes. However ADP philosophy demands that with every bad news there must also be good news!! and yup we've got some now too!! Although we have lost the red mobile, we have acquired 2 not-so-new inconspicuous vehicles perfect for surveillance carried out by the ADP agents!! And best of all, unlike the old red mobile, these 2 vehicles can actually push past 100km/h with ease, making it much more useful for high speed chases compared to the mobile red box.

Director D has a 1.5 Wira with manual transmission bearing registration WJR 620, and Director A has a 1.6 Wira aeroback with automatic transmission bearing registration BDY 2717. If ever you see these 2 cars on the street, blow your horn so they can be alerted of your presence!! Pictures of the 2 vehicles are still classified, and shall be uploaded when it is moved onto the main server....aka my com.

Of course that doesnt mean Director P is carless. He still has his 4WD Discovery, but i dont remember the number plate. So there u have it folks!! each member already has their own set of wheels before turning 20!!! Didnt i tell u this was a profitable organization? I suggest u invest in it as soon as possible. I see no problem in achieving our mission objective which is to become millionaires by 30 and retire by 40...=D

Small Note : With the change of Director P's residence, agent 2272 shall have to be renamed since that number is now defunct. Of course if he wants to keep it no ones stopping him. But i suggest he be renamed to Agent 1925, since that is the common number between the old number and this new number. What say you folks? =D


D said...


Hm... I wonder whether the comment box is working??

Anonymous said...

haha, how come so simple edi 1 the layout??

evathong said...

no it's working =(

+ : A d a M : + said...

haha if its working then why the sad face eva?

D said...

oi.. where the hell the tagboard...