Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Big Yellow BALLS! (we are not gay)

Ever heard of major company installing gym into their office building? Or giving extra bonus to employees who don't smoke? Yup, since ADP intending to be a major company soon (hopefully we are still alive when that happen) our 2 most influences/charming/heroic/the ones who do most of the job! Director Adam and Director Dominic decided to kick start this program by torturing training ourselves in the art of "The Tennis". It is not an easy art for any one to master except stupid pigs and people by the name of "Paul"!

So what do guys do when it involves lots and lots of balls!! Not just 2 but a lot more… big one too! Of the size of your fist! Big yellow balls! Sound like fun don't you think?

Today the second lesson, for Adam and Dominic. What are their progress so far? Adam still complaining he not hitting the ball the right way.. he just not making the sound he wants it to make.. wander what that means.. Where else Dominic is too busy hitting homeruns to focus on the game.

Were there any casualties? Well I bet in the coach head, he saw Adam as Agent Smith from the movie "the matrix", I bet you can almost see the coach going into bullet time trying to dodge the balls Adam sending straight at him. Well I got say this coach is better than Neo, not only does he dodge em, he even tries to catch them. Pretty cool! He even manages to catch a ball which Adam sends straight at him! Director Dom attempted to duplicate this but unfortunately his reflexes kick him which resulted only dodging the balls.

Well there you have, a story about 2 mindless director with a lots of BIG YELLOW BALLS!

Where will ADP venture next? Stay tune and fine out, till next time!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

ADP's Regular...Oops..Giant Earthquake

i know i havnt been posting for awhile, and i was actually waiting for this before posting. but then pok went ahead and posted first...but whatever la...hopefully this will make u guys check back here more regularly now..hehe

so yesterday adp ventured out to swensens (again) for an earthquake exactly 7 days (as pok so happily kept reminding us) since pok n I collected our law marks at the swensens in subang parade. but getting ahead of myself. lets start from the beginning.

Since our graduation and the first earthquake i was already planning this trip. yes im taking all the credit my two objectives were....well to celebrate ah poks "green slip" (1) and of eat ice cream (2). after all, when one director succeeds, the other 2 must rejoice, no?

however there was a SLIGHT obstacle when i asked dom whether he wanted to go. not expecting any resistance or negative answer, it therefore came as a rude shock when he said "err..see how la..have to save money..blablabla" i was of course thinking to myself "WTF??"...but we all know that in the end dom nvr turns down a Adp we got that sorted out.

Of course i nvr told pok anything i planned. all i told him was we were going out on tuesday night and he had better make himself free...or else. or else what i dunno la...but empty threats do work sometimes..=D but then leh...the domkey, being the absolute donkey he is, just had to tell him that we were going for ice cream. i tell u ah..tht guy can nvr keep a secret. *sees pok nodding head in agreement* but i suppose that was good also...becoz then at least pok came out dressed properly..and not in his shorts and t shirt..lolz

if u still havnt figured it out, i was the special ah mat of the night. after all, pok still didnt know where we were going. neither did dom for that matter. in fact the 2 of them actually believed me when i said we were going aaaall the way back to subang parade swensens for icecream. they even started telling me what to do after i took a supposedly "wrong turn" on my way to the real destination - SS2. of coz pok always tries to act like as if he knows whats happening la..but face it this time u really dint know anythin..lolz

i thought the adventure would be over after we got there. but i didnt expect the number of ppl in that place. how can parents let their kids stay up till 10-11pm just to eat ice cream thats 50% off???? even though its school hols...there still has to be discipline!! they shud hve been in bed sleeping..not taking up valuable space in swensens... -_-"

at this point my plan didnt seem to be going very well, what with dom coming back downstairs after 2 seconds saying it was totally packed, and pok saying that we shud just go to AnW. thankfully, I had the sense to go up there and see, and in fact there were empty tables. so we managed to get a seat, and everything continued as planned.

till then ah pok still DIDNT KNOW what we were doing. he thought we just went for ice cream and we were splitting the bill 3 ways. only until we were paying the bill and i split the cost in half did he realize what it was for.

ahhhhh the surprised yet pleased face of the pig was worth seeing. now we just gotta wait for next month...when itll be me n doms turn to have our earthquakes, seeing as the pig is turning 19, and that truly is an earth-shattering event...=D

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Is This The End as We Know It??!??

Yes, of course we've realised that we haven't posted much in this blog that we don't even know who reads (and YES I also realise the title is very lame). Oh we know people read it, but who. That's a question we (Adam & i) got answered in a very harsh way. *breeerrrr.......scary.....*

Now since we need to present a reason on why we haven't updated, i shall now do the honours of telling you people why. Hmmm....just let my very imaginative and creative mind *cough* think up of an reason a.k.a excuse before answering.

*clears throat*
We're currently working on a major plan on taking over the world in a mimimum of a month. Then we can package this deal and sell it off with a nice little catchy title that goes 'Around the World in 30 days'........*thinks for a moment*. Errr i mean 'Dominate the World in 30 days'. But of course these plans are ADP top secret plans which i can't tell you guys anything about it.

Errrrmm......oh well.

The following excuses *ahem* i mean reasons.... are also aplicable:
  1. ADP is a very busy organization and therefore spend time doing stupid things like 'Blogging'.
  2. We are currently busy with our college work. (wait......didn't 2 of us ALREADY graduated?)
  3. Currently working on a very top secret business plan.
  4. Working on university applications.
  5. Couldn't get into blogger.
  6. We are facing a bankcrupcy situation, hence the business plan.
  7. We are all dead.
  8. We took time to search far and wide into the great realms of unknowns.
  9. Errm, we were kidnapped. Yeah that's it. We were kidnapped by aliens.
  10. Our keyboards weren't working, and neither was our mouse.
Of course the one reason that shall remain a rumour because it isn't true is of course:
  1. ADP is blardy lazy.
Now that is definitely a rumour and we choose to deny it all the way!!!!