Monday, September 06, 2004

Rain rain go away

Since the last post of our beloved Adam there hasnt been any post lately due to the fact that Adam refuse to post something untill me or Pok does.In case you dont notice it, but me and Pok had spend some time redesigning the templete (and not posting while Adam is just sitting his butt off! muahahahah). Got to say it looks way cooler now. But there plenty of room for improvement.

The general idea of this blog was to post topic relating to the 3 "great" being of this modern time.Well here is the first post about the things we do together when other arent around (the following activities might be illigal so please dont report to the authority).

Last friday (we always go for the same malay tuition in KL the place is called chan she shu yuen,a really good place for malay tuition! ) like always we had our usual malay tuition in kl (why am i repeating myself?). But that day was special. Instead of a normaly learning class, we had a competition between of all the teacher other class. We were planning to use the best people of CHS to take part in the competition and at the same time represent our school too while we at it. But the bad part was it was during the start of our form 5 trials so our best 3 couldnt make it and had to replace them with the "not soo good at malay" people. This is where we come in. Adam , Pok and me was planning to be the subsitue for the team but ended being the main players. As the competition progresses, we were losing like mad. We were planning to lose but not as last place so we dont have to come for another round of this silly competition.Well since Adam is planning a blog regarding what happen to the whole time of that competition, i'll let him be the guess to tell the story.

As you can read for the title, the main event that happen that day was all thanks to a little help of mother nature RAIN!! Hehe this is where the fun begin! After tuition it started to rain. First i was just a few drop of rain , as time go on it got heavier and heaveir! Luckly Pok park his car somewhere near the entrance of the tuition centre. We were debating whether to get ourselves wet and make a run for his car. That debate took us a total of 20 minutes! It went like, hey maybe we should wait a bit for the rain to get a bit smaller then suddenly BOOM it started to rain cats and dog while the inside was a domkey and a pig(any animal for adam?). Ok the debate ended saying we will use the teacher's umbrella and try to make it in to the car withou getting wet. After we manage to "deliver" Pok safely to his car, i decided to get a little wet and make a dash for his car. When i "arrive" in his car , Pok told me that the rain was too heavy for him to drive (according to him, his cant see his front and side but to me it seem he was using some cheap wipers!). So we decided to pass this msg to our man who is stand behind the battle field telling him to hold his position and carrier one cant move! The first msg was send by the pig going OI oi oi OI oi oiOi (translation : the rain is too heavy! Cant drive stay there!) But the rain manage to intercept it before it reach Adam. So another msg was send, this time it was : THE RAINNING TOO F*CKING HEAVY CANT DRIVE! Too bad adam receive the order to come out to the car quick (dont know who told him that).

i MUST say it was quite a comedy watching us trying to get into Pok's car.Hopefully adam does a better job at explaining.

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