Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Big Yellow BALLS! (we are not gay)

Ever heard of major company installing gym into their office building? Or giving extra bonus to employees who don't smoke? Yup, since ADP intending to be a major company soon (hopefully we are still alive when that happen) our 2 most influences/charming/heroic/the ones who do most of the job! Director Adam and Director Dominic decided to kick start this program by torturing training ourselves in the art of "The Tennis". It is not an easy art for any one to master except stupid pigs and people by the name of "Paul"!

So what do guys do when it involves lots and lots of balls!! Not just 2 but a lot more… big one too! Of the size of your fist! Big yellow balls! Sound like fun don't you think?

Today the second lesson, for Adam and Dominic. What are their progress so far? Adam still complaining he not hitting the ball the right way.. he just not making the sound he wants it to make.. wander what that means.. Where else Dominic is too busy hitting homeruns to focus on the game.

Were there any casualties? Well I bet in the coach head, he saw Adam as Agent Smith from the movie "the matrix", I bet you can almost see the coach going into bullet time trying to dodge the balls Adam sending straight at him. Well I got say this coach is better than Neo, not only does he dodge em, he even tries to catch them. Pretty cool! He even manages to catch a ball which Adam sends straight at him! Director Dom attempted to duplicate this but unfortunately his reflexes kick him which resulted only dodging the balls.

Well there you have, a story about 2 mindless director with a lots of BIG YELLOW BALLS!

Where will ADP venture next? Stay tune and fine out, till next time!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

ADP's Regular...Oops..Giant Earthquake

i know i havnt been posting for awhile, and i was actually waiting for this before posting. but then pok went ahead and posted first...but whatever la...hopefully this will make u guys check back here more regularly now..hehe

so yesterday adp ventured out to swensens (again) for an earthquake exactly 7 days (as pok so happily kept reminding us) since pok n I collected our law marks at the swensens in subang parade. but getting ahead of myself. lets start from the beginning.

Since our graduation and the first earthquake i was already planning this trip. yes im taking all the credit my two objectives were....well to celebrate ah poks "green slip" (1) and of eat ice cream (2). after all, when one director succeeds, the other 2 must rejoice, no?

however there was a SLIGHT obstacle when i asked dom whether he wanted to go. not expecting any resistance or negative answer, it therefore came as a rude shock when he said "err..see how la..have to save money..blablabla" i was of course thinking to myself "WTF??"...but we all know that in the end dom nvr turns down a Adp we got that sorted out.

Of course i nvr told pok anything i planned. all i told him was we were going out on tuesday night and he had better make himself free...or else. or else what i dunno la...but empty threats do work sometimes..=D but then leh...the domkey, being the absolute donkey he is, just had to tell him that we were going for ice cream. i tell u ah..tht guy can nvr keep a secret. *sees pok nodding head in agreement* but i suppose that was good also...becoz then at least pok came out dressed properly..and not in his shorts and t shirt..lolz

if u still havnt figured it out, i was the special ah mat of the night. after all, pok still didnt know where we were going. neither did dom for that matter. in fact the 2 of them actually believed me when i said we were going aaaall the way back to subang parade swensens for icecream. they even started telling me what to do after i took a supposedly "wrong turn" on my way to the real destination - SS2. of coz pok always tries to act like as if he knows whats happening la..but face it this time u really dint know anythin..lolz

i thought the adventure would be over after we got there. but i didnt expect the number of ppl in that place. how can parents let their kids stay up till 10-11pm just to eat ice cream thats 50% off???? even though its school hols...there still has to be discipline!! they shud hve been in bed sleeping..not taking up valuable space in swensens... -_-"

at this point my plan didnt seem to be going very well, what with dom coming back downstairs after 2 seconds saying it was totally packed, and pok saying that we shud just go to AnW. thankfully, I had the sense to go up there and see, and in fact there were empty tables. so we managed to get a seat, and everything continued as planned.

till then ah pok still DIDNT KNOW what we were doing. he thought we just went for ice cream and we were splitting the bill 3 ways. only until we were paying the bill and i split the cost in half did he realize what it was for.

ahhhhh the surprised yet pleased face of the pig was worth seeing. now we just gotta wait for next month...when itll be me n doms turn to have our earthquakes, seeing as the pig is turning 19, and that truly is an earth-shattering event...=D

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Is This The End as We Know It??!??

Yes, of course we've realised that we haven't posted much in this blog that we don't even know who reads (and YES I also realise the title is very lame). Oh we know people read it, but who. That's a question we (Adam & i) got answered in a very harsh way. *breeerrrr.......scary.....*

Now since we need to present a reason on why we haven't updated, i shall now do the honours of telling you people why. Hmmm....just let my very imaginative and creative mind *cough* think up of an reason a.k.a excuse before answering.

*clears throat*
We're currently working on a major plan on taking over the world in a mimimum of a month. Then we can package this deal and sell it off with a nice little catchy title that goes 'Around the World in 30 days'........*thinks for a moment*. Errr i mean 'Dominate the World in 30 days'. But of course these plans are ADP top secret plans which i can't tell you guys anything about it.

Errrrmm......oh well.

The following excuses *ahem* i mean reasons.... are also aplicable:
  1. ADP is a very busy organization and therefore spend time doing stupid things like 'Blogging'.
  2. We are currently busy with our college work. (wait......didn't 2 of us ALREADY graduated?)
  3. Currently working on a very top secret business plan.
  4. Working on university applications.
  5. Couldn't get into blogger.
  6. We are facing a bankcrupcy situation, hence the business plan.
  7. We are all dead.
  8. We took time to search far and wide into the great realms of unknowns.
  9. Errm, we were kidnapped. Yeah that's it. We were kidnapped by aliens.
  10. Our keyboards weren't working, and neither was our mouse.
Of course the one reason that shall remain a rumour because it isn't true is of course:
  1. ADP is blardy lazy.
Now that is definitely a rumour and we choose to deny it all the way!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Lonely, oh i'm so lonely

Well since the other 2 are busy preparing for their exam. Guess I wont be able to disturb any one of them for a few days.. Sigh.. *start sing* "Lonely, oh i'm so lonely.."

This might be a good thing to our share holders (if there is any..). Both of our directors (agents) will be graduating from college soon. So i'm sure our share holders will be happy to see their investment being control now by 2 college graduate instead previously the all 3 are "high school dropout" haha.

Hm.. wander what we going to do in the future.. Hm... maybe you might see a Multi National Coporation name, what else, ADP.. What will it do...Hm.. maybe it might be a consultant firm.. Combining all 3 of our ability. Or it just be a secret spy organisation, in charge of training agents and future Minister of Defence.

Well since i dont really know what to post.. and my post cant beat adam or poks or evern their combine post.. haha So yeah, in a way I dont really know what to post about!

Anyway GOOD LUCK to both of our uselss director. Remember our motto! DESPERATION IS OUR INSPERATION!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

ADP's Recipe For Success

After having a taste of the Colonel's Original Recipe, ADP decided to come out with their own recipe, although it has nothing to do with food. Well actually only directors A and P thought of this recipe, but this is classified as a company secret, therefore it comes under ADP.

We all know that cooking is all about using the just-right amount of ingredients. Too little or too much could spoil the whole pot. The difference of one small teaspoon of something could be the difference between a normal dish and a dish fit for a king. So just as there are many different ways to write a successful essay, ADP has come out with the easiest, fastest, and most cost efficient way of producing a sure-hit with the teachers. Ready???? Here goes!!

ADP's Original Recipe For A Successful Essay
ingredients needed :
2 bowls of crap
1 tablespoon of fact
500g of correct spacing
20ml of correct font
a tiny dash of bombastic words (sprinkle liberally whenever taste is not salty enuf)

Before I begin on the cooking instructions, let me first clear the air over the different grades of crap. Crap is just like eggs - there are a few grades, ranging from grade A to grade C. naturally it is best to obtain grade A crap, and this is usually imported from places like internet websites such as wikipedia. Uncyclopedia is also possible, although not everyone likes the taste of it.

Fact is much harder to obtain, and that is why we only ask for 1 small tablespoon. it may sounds easy but trust me u wont find it in your local supermarket. it will take lots of time and effort to find that little tablespoon of fact. I advise you to be patient, the effort WILL pay off.

Instructions :
start by mixing the 2 bowls of crap together. Make sure the crap is smooth and appealing. It is also advisable to mix crap till it's soft and puffy. Afterwards add the tablespoon of fact. This is an important part of the recipe - one small mistake could mess up the whole dish. Make sure that the tablespoon of fact is spread out nicely and evenly over all the crap, so that all the crap is mixed with a little bit of truth. It's essential that the fact is evenly spreaded out as every small piece of fact is essential. The ratio for fact and crap should be around 1:2, sometimes it is also possible to make it 1:3 but anything after that and youre pushing it boy!!! (or girl)

after mixing the crap and the fact, mix the 500g of correct spacing and 20ml of correct font in a different bowl. make sure that the mixture is perfectly clear and no sediments are left behind. if not mixed properly, you could end up with words that are too big, spacing that is too wide between lines, or other disastrous consequences. this amateur-ish mistake does not go down well with seasoned food tasters aka. teachers.

by now you should have one bowl of crap+fact, and another bowl of spacing+font. pour both bowls into a blender. switch on the blender. watch the blender work. keep watching the blender. switch off blender when finished.

by now you should have an essay concoction that is full of crap, joined with a little bit of truth, together with correct line spacing and font sizes. the mixture should now look a deep blue-purplish green. any other colour is just WRONG. if the colour is different, DONT FRET!! all you have to do is highlight the words and change the colour to the correct one as instructed. If that still doesnt work, please update your blender. (i.e. Microsoft Word.) If that still does not work, pick up a wand and start shouting !@#$% or Ceteris Peribus. This should do nothing to change the colour and if it does change colour, you're doing it wrongly.

now that you have this smoking, deep blue-purplish green...thingie, you are ready to stuff into the oven ala printer to bake. however before you do so, you may want to add a touch of seasoning. take the bottle of bombastic words and sprinkle it on top of the...thingie. however please please PLEASE be careful not to overdo it, as too much of bombastic words will ruin the taste of the crap. In fact, if used too liberally, people wont even understand what the heck youre trying to cook...aka wtf youre writing.

lastly, we come to the final part of the recipe, which is the baking process. before u pass on your hard work into the hands of a machine, make sure you click 'save' before proceeding further. in addition, make thorough checks to ascertain that the oven ala printer is working properly. This is an essential part because sometimes Ovens DO blow out, as in the case of Taylor's college's oven. it went bananas and started churning dishes in landscape disaster i tell u...a mockery of the profession.

so now that you have this perfect recipe, try it out!! what are you waiting for?? whats the worst that could happen?? after all, as the saying goes, if u dont try, u dont know!!!

(disclaimer : ADP is not responsible for any F's or E's you may receive on your work. Neither is ADP responsible for any form of explosions or outburst towards each individual's personal computer. However if you do get A's or B's ADP would like to credit for it. If you have any doubts or further enquiries, please do not hesitate to call us at 1800-ADP-RULZ.)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Annual Raya Dinner

if all companies can have a DeepaRaya dinner, then why should ADP be an exception??

for the first time in a very long time, the 3 members of ADP actually sat down at the dinner table and had a festive dinner consisting of 15 pieces of the Colonels Original Recipe Chicken.

Ok we didnt eat all 15 pieces - 3 went to the poks maid..=P

(KFC, There's where ADP wants to be!)

ah isnt it great when the parents are away? this wouldnt have been possible if Agent 2272's parents bosses were around. to top it all off, MOD had to look for his own dinner since no one was around in HQ. So after some short debating, we decided on having this simple meal rations at the safe house of agent 2272.

Of course we werent just there for dinner. the 3 of us were in his place from about...3 in the afternoon? the day was spent watching anime, playing gunz and playing monopoly. Might i just make a small mention that this time I WON!! nobody got knocked out, but by virtue of having the most assets and money, i was declared the winner since it was already dinner time. bUahAHahHa u can chalk one up for me in your stat book now dom..kekeke

speaking of which thursday was the first day agent 2272 and agent 2274 were at the mercy of mod's driving. not just driving, but driving a mercedes sports. well we didnt zoom down any highways or race with any modified kancils; it was just a trip down to the KFC in Brickfields. hardly 5 min from the house. but hey a trip is a trip, and im happy to report that we all made it back in one piece, with no damages to the car. in fact a small bit of it was actually fixed after we sat in the car..lolz.

all in all it was a good day..although tiring. i think that was the first time we actually ran out of things to do...haha...hopefully we'll be able to continue this trend of 'festive' dinners, and hopefully in future we'll be able to get more people to join in...this would be a good thing..since these people could be our company sponsors for the dinner..thus giving us a free meal..lolzz..

Monday, October 31, 2005

Dude, Where's The Post?

Due to unforeseen circumstances and laziness of the directors. It is once again up to I, the Anonymous Director to make up for lost post.

The punishment for not posting according to the Anonymous Director Precedent is a week of driving around fellow directors.

I may exclude Director P considering the fact that he's always sending the 2 other Directors around anyway.
Director A is currently in Ipoh directing ADP business so that leaves him out too.
We know that Director D now as a car in hand. So let the punishments begin!!!

Today's featured article.

The Anonymous Director

The anonymous Director is, nameless. The anonymous Director is.......errr....The One (yeah! that's it! The One!). Created from a error in the equation of triologies, his/her power extends beyond the reach of any director. He/she chooses 3 very special individuals and plugs them into the Matrix....err i mean Blog of The 3 Dudes. He/she is everywhere and nowhere (sounds cool eh?!). When under high stress, The Anonymous Director will call The Operator......for prank calls. But do not under any circumstances expect to see Kung Fu fighting or trench coats from the Anonymous Director, the consequences are unpredictable......

*insert - Kung-Fu Fighting Song*

"Kung Fu Fighting....laa..laa...laa Fast as Lightning......."

Friday, October 14, 2005

King Crap

With the attempt of our trilogy ending in total failure, we in ADP have decided that the failure wasn't due to bad writing (living in denial is quite fun sometimes) but was due to the recent bad weathers we all have been experiencing. Hence, expect more trilogies from the famous, powerfull, pathetic, all-mighty trio of ADP.

Recent reports suggest that ADP has fewer readers visiting their company website blog. But please do not be alarmed. This is only natural. Like all business cycles, all economies experience recessions, normal growth and inflation periods. Ahhha, and ADP is just like an economy (without money) *it ryhmes! Well done. Well done*

Today's featured article of ADP.

What is a MOD?
MOD which an acronym for Minister Of Defence, but it is no minister. The person in charged of such position are mere owners of a PS2 and a RISK boards/battle ship boards. It is known that no such species exist in the world except for the ones found in Old Klang Road. Currently only one MOD is known to be active and alive (some say it was killed). MOD's have great ambitions to take over things (especially organizations) and would rather be known as CEO's. The CEO is not to be confused with the MOD, which is also the total opposite of the ADP which is a relative to the Red Mobile. A MOD is something that suffers from World Domination Dillusional Complex, also known as RISK Addiction. It's a endangered species and many campaigns are being held to help these poor things.

(reading - too - much - - complex)
(we in ADP believe in total fairyness, dirty tactics and god complex, we bid you a good day)
(i have half a mind to change this template to the originals templates provides)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

30th September Part III : Revenge of Dominic!

It was a dark and stormy afternoon, at the non-so-secret headquarters of ADP, Pisang6 lies a great demonic figure nickname Ministry of Defence. After being "murder" by 2 of his unlawful, unusefull, unintelligent, unname, un un un something etc etc, agents: agent 2272 and agent 2274. Here mark the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of these 2 useless agents.....

This is agent 2274 and 2272, request permission to land the red mobile at pisang6, please respond HQ, over.

This is MOD, permission granted, what your status, over.

This is red mobile, we coming in hot! Request emergency crew on standby, over.

Upon hearing this, the smart, handsome, charming, tall, couragous MOD order the main gate to be lower and all guard dog to be at their station. Thanks the smart, handsome, charming, tall, couragous MOD, the 2 useless agent manage to land safely at pisang6, ADP HQ.

after the 2 idiots return safely, MOD took the trouble to brief agent 2272 and agent 2274 his great evil plot to take over the world. But 1st, they must do it on a risk board, to prove that they are worthy enough to go agaisnt me, the great MINISTER OF DEFENCE mwahahhaha.

To understand your enemy, one must understand oneself 1st
You cant simple conquare the world without knowing your weakness and understand how your enemy think... this was the great word told by me, the great mod (i bet i kinda sound like some guy that always go " the great selfproclaim ceo!" bet u cant guess who).
Well Adam ....and pok... they did this... and that... which resulted me claiming the victor (sorry cant rmb what happen..)

But due to a stupid wager, pok became the unofficial world dominator for the day...
Here something stupid for the day.

He move the whole world!

Till then, stay tune to the trilogy of adp in 3 part of the end of the beginning of the end(just like star wars)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

30th September Part II: The 2 Idiots

On Friday, 30th September 2005, secret agent 2272 a.k.a Cha Siew Pok and secret agent 2274 a.k.a Adamplings carried out their field mission codenamed “Operation MPSJ Saman Pay Up” in a secret location in USJ, also known as the MPSJ building.

The operation was hard; it took great effort from both agents. Lady luck did not reside by their side that particular day. A chain of unfortunate events happened to them that day during the mission. The field agents faced with their very 1st barrier, ‘lunch-hour’. It took them great patience, but in their bid to complete their mission. They decided to go to Tai Pan for McDonalds to get their drinks. Chocolate Milkshake & Oreo McFlurry. This was the 1st signs that appear that indicated their luck that day. The cashier in the counter did not know what a chocolate milkshake was and didn’t know that it existed in McDonalds. No matter, both agents just had to wait some more, but they GOT their drinks in the end.

They planned for a stake out in front of the MPSJ building (after taking a number), slowly waiting for their enemy to appear. The chain of unfortunate events continued as follows:-

Parking at an illegal spot. Needed to move from spot.
No petrol in car. Decided to pump petrol in the opposite road of the building (Shell)
Parked there instead and walked over to MPSJ building.
Miss my number. Took new number, waited a while because some idiot was complaining.
Went to cashier to pay. Went to the wrong cashier number. Waited some more.
Walked back to car, went to pump petrol. Wasn’t sure how much to pump. Decided RM45. Tank was too full to take 45 bucks. Hence wasted 16 cents.

Upon completing their mission. Agent 2272 & Agent 2274 decided to head back to headquarters in Old Klang Road. The following conversation was taken from the Red Mobile black box (no we didn’t crash)

Agent 2274 (Adamplings): Pisang control .This the co-pilot of the Red Mobile, password 3538, we are approaching headquarters, Pisang 6. Please advice.

MOD a.k.a Lo Mai Dom (Minister of Defence): This is HQ, MOD. You have clearance to enter Pisang 6. I repeat, you have clearance. State your position.

Agent 2272 (Cha Siew Pok): This is Red Mobile pilot, we are currently travelling via NPE (New Pantai Express Way lar) at speeds of March 3 90KM per hour. Approaching the toll. Weather conditions do not look good.

Agent 2274: We request for a ready landing bay and crew upon arrival. Estimated time of arrival at 1545 hours.

MOD: Affirmative. Request granted. Pisang 6 awaits for your arrival.

*sound effects:- Vrrroooom, Scccceeeeecchhhh, Stomp*

We arrive at Dominic's house for our very next adventure!! The RISK board.

30th September Part I: Fellowship of Adam & Pok


Friday, 30th September will be a day forever etched in memory...for 2 reasons. one happy reason and one serious-fuked-up reason. Since im the minister of Happiness, (poks the minister of grouchiness) ill talk about the happy stuff that happened.

Pok n I had to go to MPSJ to pay his parking fine after school. Thats actually a whole story on its own...but ill let pok do the talking on that one. Anyway after we finished that ordeal, we were both feeling quite angry at life and the world, so we decided to go to doms place to vent our frustration. There was even more fun stuff happening while on the fact theres so much info to blog about tht its gonna be divided into 3 diff posts..each of us is gonna handle one part.

For me, im gonna talk about the "perfect murder" me n pok thought of when we were on the to doms place and in a particularly foul mood. its amazing all the stuff we can think of with a lil bit of law background and a fuked-up mood...lolz

Below is a Legal Brief of our murder case.

R. v. Adam and POk
Case Summary
The 2 accused, Adam n Pok were on their way to Dom's house after a particularly bad day. The 3 of them were good friends and saw each other quite often. When they reached Dom's place, they proceeded with their regular activities, which was playing the ps2 and ranting about the latest issues. However this time Dom did not offer any words of sympathy to the 2 accused, but instead laughed at them and told them it was their fault for having such a bad day. Then in a sudden fit of anger, Pok grabbed the ps2 while Adam grabbed Dom and pinned his arms behind his back. Pok then proceeded to smash the ps2 on top of Dom's head 3 consecutive times, after which he stopped because the ps2 was already broken into a few small pieces. By this time Dom was already dead, and the 2 accused were aware of the fact. In an attempt to hide his body, they chopped up his parts and attempted to feed it to Wong the dog, but the dog only ate the genitals and left the rest. After that unsuccessful attempt to cover up the crime, the 2 accused surrendered themselves at the nearest police station. They claimed they acted impulsively when they were provoked, and were not in a right state of mind when they committed the crime. The 2 accused were charged with first degree murder.

Legal Issues
  • was the mens rea(intent) to commit the crime present, since the 2 accused said they had been provoked?
  • should Adam also be charged with murder since he was not the one who hit Dom with the ps2?
  • can the charge against Adam be reduced to manslaughter?
  • Did chopping up Dom's body parts show they were aware of what they were doing, and not provoked as claimed?
  • during the trial both the accused were remorseful over their actions. Should this play a part in the judge's decision?
  • Pok claimed during trial that he had no intent to kill Dom, just to rough him up a bit. Is this a reasonable defence?
  • WERE DOMS GENITALS THE ONLY TASTY PART OF HIS BODY??? (to ask wong the dog...=D =P =D)

please consider these questions and form a verdict on this case.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Time for WAR!!!

Well, since adp have master the art of economic trade and property investment on the monopoly board it time for adp to venture into something more productive, that is WORLD DOMINATION!!! As adp's M.O.D (no, it not dom spell is..!) Minister of Defence, i hereby "command" Adam and Pok to engage with me in some tactical simulation on the RISK board. The objective for this tactical simulation is incase there is another 3 latter thing-thingy like USA who wish to take over ADP by force, ADP shall be ready to defend it high-value-for-nothing shares! The enemy shall not catch us with our pants down nor attack us during our next mamak night (mamak night.. sound kinda cheesy..). If they do, we shall retaliate with maximum force and shall show no mercy!!

Now in this moment of war, WE ADP NEED YOU !! come to war with us, our fellow, share holder to protect what rightfuly ours!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

No More CEO?

ADP Newts News

Tonight on the 8 o'clock news, we have updates on the ADP organization. I am Cha Siew Pok.

On the politics side,
Recent news has suggested that Director Pok shall now post as ADP director and no longer the self imposed CEO title due to an organization restructure/2- man riot that restricts Director Pok to own 34% of shares.

Due to the democratic ways of ADP, the organization has decided to release 1% worth of shares to it's minions errr.....i mean public. "It's free of charge" says ADP

A certain person by the name of Zhen Han has made a sudden entrance to the ADP organization demanding shares. "Oi!! I want ADP shares!! I Have been driving u three around havent i? so i deserve some shares for that!!!" commented Zhen Han when asked about the matter. Recent sightings has shown ADP hanging out with Zhen Han quite often, including Mamak meetings, Night Market meetings and bowling competitions. Unfortunately, no photographic evidence have yet to be obtained. There are rumours that Zhen Han are selling illegal items to members of ADP. Kidding.

Apparently an emergency meeting has been conducted to attend to this matter. More updates soon. There also has been rumours that Zhen Han will be appointed 'The Apperentice' and a upcoming season 2 is on it's way

We now go to the business section,
Rumours say that 2 directors of aDP has ploted to take full control of the ADP organization. Rumour has it that, a fellow director is down with love and the other 2 directors has agree this is the best time for a takeover of shares. Recent advertisements indicate Director Dom trying to rent his PlayStation 2, many expert agree that this is a bid to acquire more shares from other directors, or to acquire outside support. Photographic evidence also show that Director Pok has allowed other directors to acquire the taste of a massage chair, and this is believe to be some plot as well.
Other than that, recent sightings have confirmed that ADP directors have recently went beyond their borders of Taman Desa into the great Unknowns of Section 14, PJ. Witness say that the 3 members of ADP entered in Secret Recipe.
Some experts suggest that ADP is planning for a massive takeover of the chain stall.
Some other experts suggest that ADP was actually there to acquire the secret recipe of Secret Recipe.
But ALL experts agree that, they were in fact in there, well....for cake.
Even more unusual witness say was the fact that ADP was not travelling via their Red Mobile of Director Pok, but instead traveled there using another red vechile which is believed to be Director Adam's mothers.

In sports,
Recent Frisbee & Bowling ratings has dropped dramatically. The main reason experts say? Director Adam has decided he wants to go to the gym more often to check out chick. Director Adam has unfortunately decline to comment on this.

We shall now go to the weatherman, Pig for more on the weather.
"Yes Pig, hows the weather looking lately?"

"Yes, we have been seeing massive showers and rain lately. This is probably due to climate change the rain god's intention of wetting both Director P & Director A like wet dogs before they can go home from college. We advice everyone to prepare for more rain."

"Thank you Mr. Pig. Well, that's all we have for the 8 o'clock news today. I am Cha Siew Pok, reporting."

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Organization Restructure

Right. The distribution of shares in this company has to be reviewed. For those who are still in the dark or unsure like us about how we run this company, heres our annual report basic summary.

  1. since there are 100% shares and 3 of us, if we divide it by 3 we each get 33.33%. however since pok has the car, he gets the extra 0.6%, making his share total 34% and me n dom at 33%.
  2. Doms place is our official "headquarters", Poks car is the official transport vehicle (named the mobile red box, after an incident that i wont mention here..=D), while my house and other facilities are the middle point. dom comes here to wait for pok, his ps2 comes here sometimes, and the cool toys in my house are often used for entertainment..=D
  3. ADP is a business with no particular good or service to sell. I wish i could say we are the perfect example of diversity, but we all know better than that dont we..? =P
  4. ADP wants to expand but so far the list for shortlisted candidates has been rather..well..short. Basically no one is up to our level of lameness and stupidity..heh
  5. Fact u didnt know about ADP : we are camwhores. everytime we get together we want to take pics. unfortunately we never buy batteries for the camera, so it never gets done.

now according to dom ADP has turned 1 year old. shit we're old.. therefore it is time to review our financial standings and organization structure. since ADP has ZERO finances, we only have an organization structure to play with..lolz.

An increase in assets for certain members has forced the directors to redo their share ownership. "Assets" meaning things such as my driving licence, doms driving licence, my mums car...among other things. So while the 2 of us have been upgrading ourselves, pok has been rather stagnant. except maybe for his continuing work on the blog layoutcompany website, he hasnt been doing much. hes actually been sleeping a lot...literally. =D Not just that....i have now fetched dom to mv and back home, and he has taken me out for a drink. only pok hasnt sat through our driving yet.

so with all that in mind, i propose that we take out poks extra 0.6% of the shares and give it back to me n dom. therefore we will all remain equal again at 33.33%. The extra 0.01% of shares? that is owned by the public...hahahah

Signed By:

Shareholder A(dam)DAMN! Shareholder D(ominic)short for omens


Tuesday, August 30, 2005


ADP expansion!

ADP deciding it shall go public? Hm.. maybe.. as long as we could get Pok to start surrendering his share to the public, then perhaps we can get more members. The only reason he claims he is the CEO is the fact that he 34 % of adp while adam and I only have 33% each. While should we continue to allow him to brag about his 1% (well, there isnt anything else for pok to brag about…except for tennis and everything else that is not important hehe). Well it that time of the year for a company to expand (what were you thinking? Fire pok? Yeah thought about it, but adp will loss it RED BOX MOBILE and it mobility . Get Pok a gf? Nah for it, every time of the year is spend trying to get him a gf!!)

Oh.. bit off track… um.. as I was saying, after a board room (not exactly boardroom, but adp meeting are always held in mamak..) meeting, ADP decided to do a little expansion why? Well it gets quite boring just to hear a pig and some unknown creature-yet-to-be-name-by-science battle for head. And another reason for the expansion is ADP recently turned 1 year old! Hm.. now that you think about it… , wasn’t it me who started this blog 1st in the 1st place? If it wasn’t for me, there might be even be an ADP blog haha..Hm… maybe I SHOULD be the boss… Haha, nah I prefer democratic than dictatorship. Too much hassle haha. Ok back to the expansion, we decided to allow ADP girlfriends (don't think we want to include gay friends haha) to join in. So much does it cost to join the club? Well, we have come to an agreement that the 1st girlfriend we bring is free, but for pok, he gets a 1 for 1 offer(don't really understand this part, got to discuss further in the next meeting…)

Since ADP just past it 1 year old “birthday”, I’ll probably write down a few milestones what the ADP did before ADP Sdn Bhd started…


Gamebook, the turning point of advance entertainment system in the boring life of primary school. Well, I’ll suppose you heard of great tales between Adam and Pok battling for supreme dominance for a book. They even created what other fail to do, WMPD, weapon of mass paper destruction!! Some brainic created some fusion cannon which nearly wipe out of the people playing the game… Later when pok started making his own version of gamebook, he always like to use these sentence, you are lock in a room and have nothing or ahhh my legs!! I cant feel my legs!! Or they all die!! Which thanks to gamebook, these words shall always be remember. I think we know what we can write on his tombstone : Here lies Leow Pok Xian, and yup in the end he couldn’t feel his legs and they all died.


Operation G.I.R.L.S !! Don't remember much about this one.. each of the initial has a meaning and the idea came from Calvin and Hobbes.. Haha really hated girls back then, but now we want them (of course, who doesn’t unless you are gay!!)


The red box mobile! Pok started driving his Suzukie Jimmy. Ahh the day when man was able to leave his doorstep and go when no other teens have gone before! Lots of great happen around this car. For starters, it nearly got both of us killed !! (pok, we would never forget the time you almost killed us all after Frisbee) to some sweeter memory like a car loaded with 4 young and charming guys back from their high school prom(even thought they were all single…sigh..)

Well that all for now folks.. so many things happen, it really hard to keep track of them all haha. Well I’m sure the remaining shareholder will like to fill in the areas which I left out.

p.s pok u better get that template ready! or i'll pass a petition around removing you from your share!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

here a load of crap

Well since I’m behind by 2 post, what do I need to say regarding my absent?

Oi sick mah.. stupid haze made me sick and I didn’t feel like posting anything till the haze is gone.

So what do I use as my excuse after the haze crisis? Stupid uni application, will post when it done.

Now my uni application is done, what is my excuse? Well out of excuses that why I’m posting….

Anyway what have we been doing? Well nothing much, cause so guy keep on saying busy with college works no time woa… wander who? Give you a clue, he owns the most share!!

Well here a boring update what going on in adp.

1 adam still not driving us around

2 I wont send those 2 around anytime soon until I get my own car

3 pok still complaining bout college… don't know why… maybe it too much female hormone

4 havent played Frisbee for a long long time.. it been so long that time has no meaning.

5 adam going to gym quite often… wander why? Perhaps to impress the ladies..

6 adam still haven’t beaten us in monopoly yet mwahaha

7 pok still complaining bout college…

8 how should I contribute to adp? Well I did the codings.. that got to count for something.

9 oh did I mention that pok still complaining? Haha, sorry man got to rub that in…

oh here a question some one ask me a few days ago, why don't I join adam and pok in taylor and do cpu like the 2 of them. Well here an answer, because those 2 are there, that why I don't want to go there haha. Nah, even thought the idea of 70/30 (or was 60/40 courseword/exam) doesn’t sound too bad, but the uni I’m interested in only accept alvl or European degree( haha sorry guys, didn’t let you know bout this, but I had this planning some time back). Beside, I was stuck with those 2 guys for 11 years… enough is enough haha, nah! Well the main reason is I chose to do a lvl instead of cpu.. is that good enough for an answer?

Oh here a thought that I’ve been think about.. I think I deserve more share than adam after all you guys been playing my ps2 quite often! And most of the time when you guys come over, I don't get to play… adam and pok will be hogging my ps2!! So here is my reason why I should deserve more share mwahhaha.

Well that I the crap I think about for the moment….

Friday, August 12, 2005


Following the directive from our beloved prime minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi which calls for all companies and services to be closed during this period of haze, ADP Sdn Bhd will also be suspending all activities for an indefinite period of time. Currently all shareholders are resting at their respective homes, and are taking a break from work and play. Do not worry though, once the haze is gone ADP will be up and running as good as new in no time...=D

(P.S - this is just an excuse for our lack of meetings. but then again, the haze does have a hand in it..=P)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

ADP Kopitiam.

One upon a time, there was a land called Kuala Lumpur which was a land that looked like a dream (due to haze). In this land there lived 3 noble gentlemen*chuckles*. The 1st was called Adamplings, the 2nd was called Lo Mai Dom and the 3rd was none other than Cha Siew Pok. Together they were called Fantastic Four

One fine day, Lo Mai Dom decided that he was bored and he then requested Sir Adamplings and Sir Cha Siew Pok to come to he's pathetic powderfull castle in Jalan Pisang, Jalan Klang Lama (this one no joke, serious one)

Both noblemen had agree to this suggestion by Sir Lo Mai Dom. Now it was a known fact that the noble food men travelled by their noble steed known as "The Red Box". Aaahhh it was indeed a noble means of transport. It was indeed reliable.

With the speed of a Ferrari 80 km/h, they would reach the Castle of Lo Mai Dom in no time at all. Now, this noble castle was located less than 3 km away from the Kuala Lumpur Shopping Fortress known as Mid Valley. A noble valley it is.

Lo Mai castle is a castle up the hills (ok it's just a slope not hill) of Old Klang Road. The castle is protected by a remote controlled gate and 2 dogs dragons.

Upon arriving the castle, we notice that Lo Mai Dom had guest in he's castle. In fact, it was a noble woman that was there. Sir Cha Siew Pok and Sir Adamplings had their suspicion on what Sir Lo Mai Dom was doing in a empty house all alone with a young noble woman. "Tsk....... tsk......." says both Cha Siew Pok and Adamplings.

It was not long before Lo Mai Dom's guest left the castle and once again the noble 3 was pathetically alone with no forms of entertainment. Fortunately, we had lots of food, snacks more like. We also had a pack of cards, and like all noblemen in the great hazy land, we decided to gamble.

Ahhhh, but how does one gamble when one does not have money to do so? Aha, a simple answer to a difficult question. We used cookies. Oreos, Tiger Biscuits, Chocolate Biscuits........ you name it, we had it.

It was indeed a brilliant game of gambling which unfortunately ended when we ate all our money errr i meant cookies. Aha! But Sir Lo Mai Dom has a very interesting asset in he's house who both Adamplings and Cha Siew Pok does not! A PlayStation 2.

To go into full detail what the 3 noblemen did with the PlayStation 2 would bore your mind off. The real excitement came when Sir Cha Siew Pok and Sir Adamplings decided that they would venture into the Formula One business, ADP style.

And hence the race of the century began, with Sir Cha Siew Pok with one controller and Sir Adamplings with another. The race was tense and a test of skill, and just like any other F1 race, boring. Ok no, it wasn't very boring, in fact in actual fact it was quite exciting. With Sir Cha Siew leading the race till the last 2 laps when he unfortunately crashed and was overtaken by Sir Adamplings. It was a tough race and Sir Adampling won it. Congratulations.

When asked to comment Sir Adamplings only said
"I am good, i am powerful, i am the ultimate driver who only just got a license very recently and can drive up to Ipoh"

Sir Cha Siew Pok said:
"He got lucky only!!! Fuke"

Sir Lo Mai Dom was found saying:
"I wanted to play................"

Overall, a great trip to the castle of Lo Mai's.

*Interesting notes:
  1. Wasn't sure to call Adam, Adamplings or Yew Cha Kueh. Decided that Adamplings would be better since no many would understand Yew Cha Kueh.
  2. Dom's house is indeed in Jalan Pisang.
  3. We did play a 50 round F1 race on Dom's PS2.
  4. It was indeed luck that Adam won lol.
  5. We really did gamble with cookies. Hehehehe....
  6. Dom was indeed alone with a girl in a large empty bangalow...........but he was supposely "teaching" add maths. So he claims. ;D
  7. The word noble is used 13 times including this one.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

ADP Tabloids

ADP Tabloids NewFlash......

  1. ADP's Miss-Adventures of Bowling
  2. ADP's new cult?
  3. ADP's ventures into the the Star War business, Monopoly style
  4. ADP's new skin? Is it just a rumour?
  5. Who really owns ADP?
  6. ADP and Law....

ADP's Miss(literally missing)Adventures of Bowling

ADP recentlt held an unofficial championship bowling against each other. Fighting for superiority over pins. The event ended with agent D.O.N.K.E.Y as the champion of the game, he's superiority was achieved with a 9 pound ball and many stupid and nutty err akward movements. When asked to comment, he had this to say:

"1st it's Monopoly, then it's bowling, soon i shall rule ADP!!! And then no one will be able to stop me!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!!"

As for now, agent D.O.N.K.E.Y holds no exceptional post except for he's title as ADP 2nd license holder. Other than that, he is considered to be ADP's ministry of defence and is currently taking care of ADP stronghold in Jalan Klang Lama. This may all change soon enough.

ADP's new cult?

Unofficial news have reached us that ADP is starting a new cult that and recruiting minions is a few of their starting operations. This information was overheard during ADP's unofficial bowling tournament. ADP members were seen laughing evilly while talking about something called ADP religion. At the moment, no official news or statements have been released to support this information.

When asked to comment about this information at the ADP unofficial bowling tournament. ADP unofficial CEO/door opener only had this to say.

"poke one for good luck, poke twice for better luck. This is no cult, it's merely a good luck charm that we plan to develop into a religion!!!!"

While putting he's hands together and stabbing air (imagine swimming with the frog style, when you put your hands together), to show us how it's done, agent D.O.N.K.E.Y strikes down another ten pins.

Hmmmm maybe it's really lucky afterall??? *Stab....stab*

ADP's ventures into the the Star War business, Monopoly style

ADP has tried to venture into business by trying out different simulations. One with a limited edition Star Wars Monopoly and another with a average PDA Monopoly game. So far, we have managed to prove nothing except that member Dominic's statistic's book is useless and hence he should burn it. So far, no one has truly dominated the simulation. Member Dom and Pok seems to be by far the stronger corporation compared to Adam who has lost and filed bankruptcy twice in a row to member Pok. So far, no more simulations have been planned to further test ADP's business ventures.

ADP's new skin? Is it just a rumour?

We have heard many times that ADP is planning a new skin. And this have been confirmed by current CEO of ADP, Blog Master Pok. Apparently current progress is slow due to him being lazy errr inefficiency within the ADP organization. The CEO released an official statement.

"We are currently working very hard to finish this template. It's top piriority. We've finished watching many many recent movies in order to acquire inspiration for the template. We figured that seeing Jessica Alba semi naked......errr Fantastic Four would give us some idea of unity for the blog template."

Many sources have agreed that the new skin, is in fact just a rumour and there is actually no new skin coming about. When asked to comment about these proffesional opinions, the CEO only had this to say:

"It is no rumour, there definitely is going to be a skin within this eon. We have achieved half the work. It's currently at 13% errrr 65% to completion. We assure that we are working on it"

An unofficial source within the ADP said this.

"Ahhh the CEO is not doing his job!! I shall take over once i complete my dominance at Monopoly and bowling!!!"

The source had decided to remain anonymous.

Who really owns ADP?

According to polls, the public has decided that George Bush is stupid they do no want anyone to own ADP except themselves. But when asked about this, all members Pok and Adam were determined to say that they owned ADP. Member Dom on the other hand, declined to comment.

ADP and Law....

There has been an ongoing rumour that ADP is presently studying law in order to complete their domination over courthouses in the world. All members of ADP have commented that there is no such thing and they are only studying Law because they have to in order to pass their Pre-University courses. How true is the statement? No source have been acquire to prove this. There is also a rumour that member Adam and Pok have acquire a time traveling device called the 'Legal Mobile' in order to travel to ancient times and conquer the world. This statement was also unproven and according to both members of ADP, the rumour only developed from an assignment from law class.

Till next time, this Blog Master P of ADP reporting.

*disclaimer: all statement are unfortunately only half true and the rest are made up =)*

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Monopoly Star Wars!

Thats right folks!! this post is gonna be all about............

box cover of the monopoly set...behind is my bed...=P

the last time we played monopoly was on the 4th of july on doms PDA. that was kind of fun but not really realistic. We made up for that though by having a real game of monopoly at my place on thursday....and we didnt just play any normal game of monopoly....we played THIS :-

Limited edition star wars monopoly..see the numbers at the bottom? top is the date of manufacture and bottom is product number.
Well certainly not many can say theyve had a chance to play this. How many ppl ever get to play monopoly using figures of R2D2, storm troopers or darth vader made from pewter as pieces? But still the best part has to be the shiny brass coins that represent 1000 credits..u can see it in the pic there..=P
the game started off quite normally...although i landed on a lot of property and dom kept missing property and pok was only getting one or 2. this turned out to be a mistake of mine coz in the end i wasted too much money buying property in the beginning. as dom mentioned in the last post, he won the game on his pda. so this time u cud say that pok n i were kind of....well....on guard to make sure he didnt win again..=P didnt manage to take a pic of the start so i cant show anythin of it.
everything was pretty equal until dom managed to get 3 cheap properties which enabled him to start building houses. by the next 2 or 3 turns he had built hotels(starships) there. that was pretty much the turning point of the game for each time we landed on it we had to pay 550 -600. for some reason i kept landing on it..i landed on it so much that even dom cudnt believe it. the guy who believes so much in statistics and probabilities couldnt understand how i managed to land on it 4 times out of 5 and pok didnt land on it at all...pok n i just told him to go burn his stats book...hahah
So after paying dom more than 2000 credits and mortgaging all my property...i had to bancrupt myself to pok...who inherited all my property. this is what it looked like after he got all my stuff :-
And dom looked like this :-
Thats doms feet...and thats my phone
It still wasnt an easy ride for pok after aquiring all my assets...he still had to pay 950 to unmortgage all my property. But after that they started playing a bit crazy. since it was getting late and we had been playing for a few hours already...they just started going all out and buying houses all over the place. the end result was somethin like that :-
The pic is a bit dark...just notice the houses all over the place..the 3 starports at the bottom were wat killed me off.
So after a few more minutes of intense playing and dice-rolling, pok had to concede defeat to dom. After the game we took a few bow-to-your-master shots :-
Me presenting my head....opps i mean assets on a platter.
Pok presenting HIS assets to his hand are a few property deed cards.
So when everything was over and the dust had settled on the bedroom floor, the winner of the game was once again dom, and i once again lost to pok. I guess the champion for ADP so far for monopoly has to be dom...........
Till Next Post Folks~!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Art of Business

ADP engage in a simulate economy!

On the 4 of July (American Independence Day), while the other part of the world is enjoying their national independence day, ADP was running a simulation of the real world economy trade. It involve only a PDA (no, not ADP spell PDA but Personal Digital Assistant) and lots of drinks. The objective of the simulation is to promote awareness in the current economy world, to practice buying and selling of asset, aggressive take-over, and corporate merge.

Each player start with 1500simulator dollar and asset ranging from 60- 400 simulator dollar. The number transaction per turn was determined by 2 complete dice. At the beginning, this simulation was conduct in a mamak store. Which later ended up at the now official ADP headquarter aka.. MY HOUSE!!!

The simulation begins with the government has now open it asset to the public from government control properties, railroads and utilities. Adam Dominic and Pok each represent a Multi National Company who was selected by the government to battle it out for complete ownership. The government wound intervene with subsidies, bank errors, market order, taxes and legal areas. For example, executing too many action in one go might end yourself in jail or at times you are require to pay income tax which is either 10% of all your asset or just 200 SD. It started with Dominic trying to own all control of the railroad which was prevented when Adam manage to break his complete domination by buying off one station and Pok who was lucky to receive the last station. After a while, most of the properties were brought by everyone resulting a stalemate, as a course no one was able to build houses and hotels. At one time, while Adam was conducting an auction between Dominic and Pok, Adam accidentally overcharge Pok by 50SD resulting a slight disagreement between the 2 parties.

After going round and round in circle, the 3 decided to open negotiation for business talk to benefit all 3 parties. Thanks to Dominic persuasions and the remaining 2 parties wiliness to listen. All 3 manage to require a piece of land to start construction. After a few housing areas was build, Adam began to experience some lack of funding, simply due to the fact that he was unlucky to ended up on Dominic land. To cover for the liability Adam had to trade it railroad station to Pok, who at the time was willing to pay Adam twice the original value, just nice to cover the cost. After receiving that blow to the head, Adam again receive another blow but unfortunately it was the final blow and was facing law sue from Pok requesting him to pay up for renting his Triple story semi detach house. Adam was unable to pay therefore decided to file chapter 11 , BANKRUPCY !! With this, all asset which Adam owns was take-over by Pok. And thus begin the battle between the remaining 2 tycoon, Dominic and Pok!

Both tycoons began a massive project to develop their properties, while Dominic was suffering the cost of rental from Pok new projects, Pok himself was hiding in jail avoiding all cost and law sue. In the end, due to the high cost and TTGH factor (Time To Go Home) eventually Dominic resort to bankrupt!

By the end of the day, Pok was the remaining tycoon who dominated the playing field with an end result of 9billion dollar (9382 SD) net worth.

The following was Adam comment regarding Pok domination, : “ It was Pok first time playing, so it was beginner’s luck!” While Dominic gave his comment with his infamous sigh, : “Siigggghhhh, oh well time to go home, the dogs barking”. While the victor had this to said, : “ We should do this more often, and find another player….”

This concludes the simulation for an economy world on board a virtue Monopoly board in Dominic’s PDA.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

We Rule!! No?? Awwww.......

Right, since both the Stick a.k.a Adam and the Donkey a.k.a Dominic have had their fair share of post. I guess it's finally my turn once again to post something no?

Well let's see, currently the ADP chatterbox is filled with some friends and sister (who else would be there?) and a very amusing (yes very amusing indeed) topic is currently being discussed. Let's not get into further detail and let the mind roam free on this one yes?

Now about that picture of Adam in uniform. Yes, errr it is rather ..errr.........forget it. It seems like those show girls displaying cars, it could be great if we could swap Adam with a bodylicious (yes i like making words sue me = P) chick. Say Dom, do you think you can kinda err Photoshop that ?? Hahahaha.

Yes, as you can see we have begun our quest of conquering the world err recuiting minions members for ADP. Now what does a member do you ask? Now this is very enlightening indeed. Our members do absolutely NOTHING!! Yes you've read it correctly, nothing!!!
well except maybe following our every order

Ahh the privileges you ask? Yes, yes we'll get to that soon. Other than being associated with the prestigious ADP (no lar not American Degree Program, why you keep asking one!!) you ask? We might offer a link or 2 on our newly design layout!!!

With our new layout underway (oh i don't know how long, could take years all i know) ADP is not holding any activities currently.

Adam is busy with LAN, Dom is supposedly busy with giving math tuition (don't ask me), and i am well busy too?

Anyway, yes new layout. We definitely need a massive change. This place is just getting plain boring. It's turning like every other collective blog!!! NOOoooooOOOOoooo.......

Rolls out red carpet....

Rolls out red carpet and welcome the 3rd licence holder to the ADP.
Congratulation Adam for getting your licence. Now you're no longer the door opener or floor sweeper, you're now know as the car opener/driver who opens door and drives us around for our next meeting. Whether it is to the mamak or just simply to the park for a game of frisbee, he will be there driving us there and opening the door for us!

Well since the A just go his licence, i think i'll use this post and talk about how the ADP travels around KL.
Yup, the mobile red box. Ahh what sweet wander to be hanging around in that car. It speed-safe, meaning you cant go racing with this car...seriously who's goes racing with a car with only a 100 kph as top speed even a kancil faster!!

Have you guys seen the red box?Well today you lucky day, i was just digging around my com and manage to find a few picture of the car.

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The front of the car...couldnt find any other pic without the wierdo..sorry

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Not the actual car but that how it looks like by the side

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This is how the car got it's name...kinda of a long story..start with, it was a dark and stormy day...

Well that most of the picture i got about the car, hopefully in the future when ADP finally earning big buck, and upgrade it's Suzuki Jimmy TO something little bit more cooler. Something like the Suzuki X2. Perfect of the future ADP bosses and transporting their girlfriends to a round of Frisbee!
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Well hopefully we get to earn even give bigger bucks. Then it's off to this baby !
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Well that going to be some time before it gets to the Ferrari stage or even to the Suzuki X2 stage...So in the mean guess i'll upgrade/mod the current car to something a bit more cooler... to.............(scroll down)

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When bore"dom" strike!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mission Statement And Goals

well since the 2nd license holder dom has not been performing his posting duties properly(appropriate punishment shall be meted out at a later date), i hve no choice but to take over from him. As we have studied from International Business(of which i got 83 for finals and pok got 84...blady hell), every company must have a mission statement, together with a few short and long term goals. Well lets start planning one for ADP Sdn Bhd shall we??

ADP Mission Statement
  • to act absolutely lame and childish when together by performing stupid acts in public and making a fool of ourselves.
  • to pass on our absolute lameness and childishness by expanding ADP to include other lifeforms...Animals are welcome.
  • to become proper frisbee players by practicing regularly at the park in front of our transport minister's house.
  • to actually be properly registered as a company someday in the future by registering at the place where ppl register companies....type of business dealings? shall be mapped out next time..=P

note :- that is the proper way of writing mission statements. every sentence must have a 'to...' followed by ''. Also all mission statements should involve the consumer, employee, product and location. However since ADP doesnt know what business its gonna doesnt apply...=P

Short Term Goals

  • get another 8 dollar basketball from Carrefour to replace poks over-inflated and defected 8 dollar basketball
  • have 3 license holders in ADP. (completed after I pass my test on monday..hopefully)
  • get dom to shoot hoops properly
  • get pok a gf...or at least a crush
  • give this page a makeover!!!

Long Term Goals

  • recruit more members(minions) into ADP
  • to trademark this name ADP as ours...and not some stupid american degree program..=P

cant think of anymore long term goals. i dont like thinking in the long term. besides i doubt we'll finish any long term goals anyway..lolz.

As a matter of fact these goals hve been hastily conjured up after todays meeting at headquarters aka doms ps2 room. Some were also brought up while playing basketball at 10am to 12, followed by 4 to 5.30. That part about acting childish and lame comes from trying to practice physics by balancing ourselves on top of a seesaw. Has to be the most stupidest thing we've done yet. Besides the TTT(through the trees) ive also performed another shot, TTS(through the swings) and this time it wasnt a fluke...=P. Currently all members of ADP are kinda tired and vulnerable. So anyone planning to launch a surprise attack on us...this is a good time to do it. (shit im starting to sound like dom....)

Anyway the statement and goals havnt been approved by the other 2 shareholders. I doubt they're gonna be satisfied with them. Theyre prob gonna change it and add more stuff for themselves even though im the CEO around here. O well...big bosses cannot control their workers all the time. and when youre dealing with this donkey and pig.......nuff sed....=P

Monday, June 06, 2005

Another 18 Year Old.

Aise.......somebody in this blog already 18 years old liao ler. Yeah lar i know you're thinking it's me.........but no lar, the person i'm actually talking about is Dominic lar. He's birthday is on June 5th. So he's finally 18, and what can you do at 18? Use your imagination lar.........don't need me to tell you gua.

Now ler, now left only one cina men that hasn't turned 18 yet lar. You think we should just strip his shares off because he's still underage? I think so too lor. I'll consider with Dominic lar, see how. Hehehehe.

We say first lar, turning 18 got no esstra shares you knowe. Turning 18 tadak assest pun. Ok lar, i want to stop taiping like a stupid idioct liao. Because i just read some funny blog sites lar, so kena influen aso. What lar to do.......

Anyway enup with cina-man talk lar.

Wanna wish Dominic Teoh Kok Kwan happy birthday.

Ciao berst, here si beh sian lor.
~Cee Eee Ouu- Pok

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Joint Venture

Hmmm , does anyone know what a joint venture is??
A joint venture is an agreement between two or more companies/individual (in our case).

IB exam is currently less than 2 hours away and we (Pok, Adam) decided that we shall post crap here. About what? Simple, about Dominic Teoh Kok Kwang. (this conversation takes place in real time. the setting?, Taylors College library.)

Adam: He's so "important" that he must have a 'hole post' dedicated to him~!

Pok: 'Hole Post - Aren't we just great friends?? This is a pre-birthday present for Dom!

Adam: Yup, this is a practise of Friendster testimonials that we shall present to him!!

Pok: Exactly, we are such great friends don't you agree?

Adam: Of course, of course. ........crap, this is just going in circles.

Pok: Hmmmm, well what else can we talk about when we're bored??

Adam: Hmmmm, well there's the usual topics :-
  1. Strip him of his shares.
  2. Strip him of his PS2.
  3. And in the near future, of his clothes too.

Pok: Hmmm that would be ADP's next mission statement!!!

Adam: Yes, this shall be our short term goals of the future!!!

Pok: And the long term goals???

Adam: Get him a gf??

Pok: Right. That's going to be a looooooooooooong term goal that's near impossible!! Notice how long i said loooooooooooong???

Adam: Hmmm this is getting stupid...........Don't you think??

*the conversation had to end there becoz there were no more ideas and it was time for lunch*

Right, the rest of this post is going to be posted my me, Adam, since pok is too busy sulking about his business paper and how he should have concentrated more on the ethical values and blablabla....anywayz business didnt exactly turn out as planned...some chapters totally didnt come out in the exam...argh stuff like tht really pisses me off. I suppose pok got hit harder than me though..oh well we're just gonna hve to wait for the marks..hehe

Well its not gonna be much fun talking about dom i shud just let tht topic rest...for now..=D anywayz its not gonna be long b4 exams r finished..and tht'll mean driving lessons start!! which means ill soon be the third license holder, and there shall once again be balance in the galaxy..haha

Well i just hve to announce to the whole world that i got conned by pok. the dude told me its gonna be a freezer in the multi purpose hall, and there was no way it wud be like a desert in there. So me, being the trusting guy i am, wore long sleeves to test today. and guess what? it really turned out to be a desert. wasted my time wearing long sleeves...haiz....

Ok i think ill leave a bit of room for pok to add his own bit in this post..after all..this post is a joint venture..and tht means sharing all the risks and costs of a business..???

ah screw it..why the hell am i still talking bout tht anyway. >.<

Well, yes i like to sulk so sue me. This post, like any other joint venture for
the 1st time, ended up (as you can see) in disaster. But we shall improve and
future joint ventures within our own company shall be accomplished more often!!
The CEO speaks so!!!

Last but not least, even if it's a little early. We here wish Dominic a Happy 18 year old Birthday.

posted joint-fuly by self proclaimed CEO's Adam & Pok

Friday, May 27, 2005

No More FRISBEE~?!?!?

According to pok, the taman desa field where we usually play frisbee is being developed into a basketball court. This means that theres gonna be an even smaller place for our base of operations. Well pok seems pretty by it since we dont hve an excuse not to shoot hoops with him anymore...but ahh i wanna play frisbee!! its no point going down to the pitch at the bottom coz its just no fun on such a wide space and like i said before..the wind seems to go in weird directions.

Blogshares. Following orders from the-self-proclaimed-CEO pok, i claimed ADP as my own blog. So for those of u who think i claimed this blog illegally without consent from the others, well think again. of course..we dint ask dom...but hey the 2 of us thats two thirds majority right? =P Seems Eujin is also tryin to buy us up...well after hitting that lucky strike of 1 billion..i think hes got more money than he can handle. lucky arse.

Star Wars. i think this topic has been over-blogged, but what the heck it applies even to this blog so why not? =D Besides i did go for sw with dom, so that kinda counts as a part-ADP activity right? anywayzz..i still owe him what...10 bucks? o well i prob wont see him again for some sure he'll just write it off as bad debt..hehehe

Today was interesting though. 3 of us had a mini-conference call with me n pok in the car and dom at home. ah the joys of the loudspeaker function. but i suppose dom did kinda waste his credit on the call which wasnt even about anything proper...i mean did he really have to call just to tell us about some ff demo? hehe

Finals are starting next week. Finishes on the 7th. Doms bday on the 9th. Mr and Mrs Smith on the 9th. ICPU prom on the 9th. We wait with bated breath. =D

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Shares you Say??

Hehehe i found something very interesting today that i think is worth posting about.
Now, let's see how the story goes shall we?

It's mildly interesting. After lunch Eu Jin went for to Boodrums' class to take some pictures, so i figured i'll go to the web and post a little. My orginal intention was to post in my personal blog. And hence, as usual i go to google and type "pokspalace".

Now, in a normal day, when that particular word is searched, one link appears (and a recommendation of another search at the top - pokepalace). Aaanyway, today it appeared that a 2nd link was there and out of curosity, i opened it.

No no, i did not find porn. What i did find though was this this. Look around that page, it's mildy amusing isn't it? Scroll down to the bottom for top 100 incoming links. See whats on the 1st.
Anyway just surf around that site and you'll understand why i wrote this post with such a title.

Till nex time - Great CEO~ The Pok

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Non existing activities.

It is argued that i don't post enough here in this blog, the collective blog of ADP. But i have to personally disagree. I have contributed a LOT into this blog and that i am pretty sure of. I try not to rush people into posting and i hope that neither do other people. I change the layout and stuff when no one else bothers to do so and when no one post, i will try and post. I understand that if there is nothing to post about, one just have nothing to say and i accept that fact. Other than that, i send other 2 shareholders home a lot of times when they can jolly well take public transport or walk. Sigh..........perhaps sometimes i shouldn't give in into the feeling of guilt when i have done nothing wrong. Perhaps they underestimate me and assume that i will always fall for this feeling.

But nevermind, the Great CEO forgives all!!! Hahaha

Anyway, nothing on us at all. No activities and meetings. Not too much time to spare lately. I am busy lately, not too sure about the other 2. But i suppose and assume that all are busy. Last week, we told ourselves that we will do something this week and we told ourselves the same thing this week. Oh well. I had a plan to take them lot to play basketball with me on a Saturday morning but it didn't turn out so too bad. Adam said it was too early for him to wake up, i was going to ask Dom but it was too late to inform him. I would have gone without them but since it was far (Seapark), i decided agaisnt it in the end.

Anyway i (who else is going to do it anyway?) did minor changes in the blog layout once again. Just to make it less dull for the minority of human beings that actually read this blog. Just a couple of minor changes, nothing special. I don't plan to post too long as there is nothing much to say and most of the time we post crap when we have nothing to say. So there you have it.

Another post brought to you by self proclaimed CEO of ADP ~ The Pok

Thursday, May 05, 2005

History In The Making..Oops...MADE..Hahaha

History In The Making..Oops...MADE..Hahaha

for the first time in the history of the ADP blog, somebody posted twice. Was it pok? the blog designer? Was it me? The one who has nvr shirked a responsibility to post? nope. The one to claim this honour is none other than the ADP donkey, dom~!! Who would hve guessed it would be him? the guy who needs a ton of pushing and prodding before he finally gets a post up. Well all i can say is, desperation can make ppl do many things..hah

It all started on friday when i had to go to ipoh for a church function. Since i was in a bit of a rush i forgot to take my phone, but i didnt wry too much coz i thought i wudnt really need it and no one would call me anyway. Of course i kinda forgot about the dear ol pig n donkey here, who left a few miss calls and sms on my phone. i wasnt too surprised about that, since i hadnt told them i was going away and even i didnt know i wouldnt hve my phone. But when i come to this blog and saw doms post..that really cracked me up..hahah Dom mus hve been pretty desperate to do a post like that, obviously no one would hve picked up the house phone either coz the whole family was away, so yea i was kinda out of touch with everyone for 2 days.

Oh well, when all is said and done, the fact still remains that Dom is the first one to post twice in succession. so i guess pok n me hve to give him the due credit..lolxx. I actually had a diff idea for this post, as the other 2 shareholders will know, but that has been put on hold coz of this.

It seems that the 2 of em were looking for me to play frisbee when i was away. its quite a shame i missed it coz when i got back pok wasnt in the right state to play, so we had to postpone it again. seriously we havnt gone for frisbee since i got back frm camp, and thats from the start of the year. obviously ADP is starting to slack in its business..=P

Sunday, May 01, 2005

A missing person report

Well you can only lodge a missing person report after 24 hours....But according to pok, adam been missing since friday and today is sunday.. so there justicfied me making a report.

Height : 160-170 (the shortest...well not that short, above average i suppose)
Weight : a ton?
Dimension : 168*40*15 (i'm just guessing)
Eye Colour : brown, black?
Glasses Colour : Black plastic (kind of look like Drew Carry show)
Age : 17+
Name : Adam Ng Kah Yew
Last seen : in KL

We(me and pok) was planning to go play frisbee or something today, but couldnt find adam..oh well, guess there nothing we can do. But if you do see him, tell him to give us a call or we might declare him dead and reclaim his ADP shares.
Ohwell nothing much i suppose

Looking for adam - dom

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The 3 stupendous people in this blog

The 3 stupendous people in this blog

Well dont really know what to post this time....
Well since adam talk about nothing while pok talk about the future..guess the only thing left for me to do is to talk about the present....but I just dont quite remember what the 3 of us did the last time we were together....

Well last saturday we all went out for a gathering for our primary school... Incase some of you dont know... the adp been "stuck" together since primary... if you check my kindergarten background..u might notice i was in the same kindergarten as pok....well now guess the door opener and the "i am the CEO" guys are stuck together now in

Yeah, i think i should get pok and adam out to play frisbee... i think i gotten rusty at it...oh well guess it time i tried to drag those 2 out...maybe i should wait after i get a car....oh well oh well.......

hm... maybe i should talk about the what happen at the gathering? Well cant say much... the gathering was mostly people from the same class as pok during standard 6 (while in the mean time the genius-to-be was in the 2nd best place ) guess it was pretty boring...not only we (adam and me) hardly recognize the people there... there was only 5-6 people... and 1 i think that just pretty sum at the gathering...oh yeah from 1.30 to 4.30 i was with pok playing pool after that adam came back and challange him to a few games of foosball... i think beat him at passing mwahah..but adam at better and better at foosball... guess we can him a"fool-os-ball-er" know... maybe the 3 of us start a business and it might be so successful we all might just end up in the TIME magazine or or 3 of us direct a movie and be "the famous 3" haha oh well that the stupid thing of the future...

i bet as i write this post...
pok is complaining about the amount of workload
Adam is practicing his foosball more then his assignment
dom is still typing this blog
pok is pulling his hair out due to stress from exam
adam isnt studying until the exam is less then a week or two away
dom is suppose to be studying but he still typing this blog.....

oh well one more thing... it seem that the adp is doom to fail it undang exam (highway code exam for driving) so said adam. See told you to study for it, but no... you didnt want to listen to me or pok....but i'm glad to announce that in a few more weeks or perhaps months adam will be able to drive(but chances are we wont go anywhere far without his mum or dad sitting next to him...)well i guess we pretty much coverage the "goodness of life" so the only thing left is for one is to get a gf haha. Well since pok was the 1st to get his license.. i think it fair for him start to ball rolling .....

oh well i started this blog with a lot of things to type...but i just cant seem to remember what it was.... sigh....well till next time...THE ADP WILL BE BACK

post brought to you by ~ DOM