Congratulation Adam for getting your licence. Now you're no longer the door opener or floor sweeper, you're now know as the car opener/driver who opens door and drives us around for our next meeting. Whether it is to the mamak or just simply to the park for a game of frisbee, he will be there driving us there and opening the door for us!
Well since the A just go his licence, i think i'll use this post and talk about how the ADP travels around KL.
Yup, the mobile red box. Ahh what sweet wander to be hanging around in that car. It speed-safe, meaning you cant go racing with this car...seriously who's goes racing with a car with only a 100 kph as top speed even a kancil faster!!
Have you guys seen the red box?Well today you lucky day, i was just digging around my com and manage to find a few picture of the car.
The front of the car...couldnt find any other pic without the wierdo..sorry
Not the actual car but that how it looks like by the side
This is how the car got it's name...kinda of a long story..start with, it was a dark and stormy day...
Well that most of the picture i got about the car, hopefully in the future when ADP finally earning big buck, and upgrade it's Suzuki Jimmy TO something little bit more cooler. Something like the Suzuki X2. Perfect of the future ADP bosses and transporting their girlfriends to a round of Frisbee!
Well hopefully we get to earn even give bigger bucks. Then it's off to this baby !
Well that going to be some time before it gets to the Ferrari stage or even to the Suzuki X2 stage...So in the mean guess i'll upgrade/mod the current car to something a bit more cooler... to.............(scroll down)
When bore"dom" strike!!
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