Thats right folks!! this post is gonna be all about............

box cover of the monopoly set...behind is my bed...=P
the last time we played monopoly was on the 4th of july on doms PDA. that was kind of fun but not really realistic. We made up for that though by having a real game of monopoly at my place on thursday....and we didnt just play any normal game of monopoly....we played THIS :-

Well certainly not many can say theyve had a chance to play this. How many ppl ever get to play monopoly using figures of R2D2, storm troopers or darth vader made from pewter as pieces? But still the best part has to be the shiny brass coins that represent 1000 credits..u can see it in the pic there..=P
the game started off quite normally...although i landed on a lot of property and dom kept missing property and pok was only getting one or 2. this turned out to be a mistake of mine coz in the end i wasted too much money buying property in the beginning. as dom mentioned in the last post, he won the game on his pda. so this time u cud say that pok n i were kind of....well....on guard to make sure he didnt win again..=P didnt manage to take a pic of the start so i cant show anythin of it.
everything was pretty equal until dom managed to get 3 cheap properties which enabled him to start building houses. by the next 2 or 3 turns he had built hotels(starships) there. that was pretty much the turning point of the game for each time we landed on it we had to pay 550 -600. for some reason i kept landing on it..i landed on it so much that even dom cudnt believe it. the guy who believes so much in statistics and probabilities couldnt understand how i managed to land on it 4 times out of 5 and pok didnt land on it at all...pok n i just told him to go burn his stats book...hahah
So after paying dom more than 2000 credits and mortgaging all my property...i had to bancrupt myself to pok...who inherited all my property. this is what it looked like after he got all my stuff :-

And dom looked like this :-

It still wasnt an easy ride for pok after aquiring all my assets...he still had to pay 950 to unmortgage all my property. But after that they started playing a bit crazy. since it was getting late and we had been playing for a few hours already...they just started going all out and buying houses all over the place. the end result was somethin like that :-

So after a few more minutes of intense playing and dice-rolling, pok had to concede defeat to dom. After the game we took a few bow-to-your-master shots :-

So when everything was over and the dust had settled on the bedroom floor, the winner of the game was once again dom, and i once again lost to pok. I guess the champion for ADP so far for monopoly has to be dom...........

Till Next Post Folks~!!
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